Straight from Oma's bakery, this is a meringue icing that is made from a small portion of meringue used in a cookie or cake recipe. It is easy and quick to whip up on the side and another great gluten free icing option.
Not very sweet and a great combination with natural fruit juices for color and an excellent compliment on sweet almond cookies. I must admit that when you add this onto the 'zimtstern' or 'zitronen Hertz' almond/lemon cookies, it makes the cookies stand out a bit more and they seem to look a little classier if cookies can even have a classy look.
Total time to make this icing is 10-15 minutes, but I usually make it as part of a meringue based cookie dough so it really does not take any additional time. On it's own it is a quick icing recipe that gives our family a nice meringue icing as an alternative to the more traditional powder sugar based icings. Add it to your cookies of choice and, Enjoy!
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